пʼятниця, 23 жовтня 2009 р.

How to invest money in gold

There are a number of ways to invest in gold and make money when its price rises. Some are more suitable to the average investor than others. You don't need to own the stuff physically to make money in gold. If you are interested in investing in gold, here are some investment options for you.

The least attractive of the investment options, in my opinion, is to buy gold in a physical form. For example, coins. You pay a premium when you buy gold in this way, plus you get clipped when you sell. If you want to liquidate quickly and easily and get what your investment is really worth this is not your best alternative.

If you want to speculate with high financial leverage futures contracts are an option. This is not so much investing in gold; it's speculation. If prices move in your direction you can make a lot of money quickly. If prices go against you loses can be quick and big as well.

Gold stocks are an attractive way for average investors to invest in gold. You can buy and sell shares quickly and easily for as little as $10 a trade or less. When the price of this precious metal goes up, gold stocks follow suit. Why? Because profits for the mining companies soar. In fact, gold stocks often gain considerably more on a percentage basis than the increase in the price of the commodity itself.

If you don't want to pick your own gold stocks you can invest in a portfolio of them two different popular ways. The first way is by buying and selling ETFs (exchange traded funds). They trade just like any other stock.

For most inexperienced investors I suggest the other option: gold funds (mutual funds) that invest in mining stocks. When you invest money in a fund you own a small part of a large portfolio of securities, in this case precious metals stocks. You can invest money or liquidate shares on any business day.

Gold funds are a sensible way for most people to invest money to make money in gold. I do not recommend betting the farm that the price of this precious metal will go up; but having a small portion of your investment assets in gold funds makes sense for most investors.

Historically, what happens in times of financial and economic turmoil? Stocks in general take a beating and precious metals prices go up. What's the most popular precious metal in the world? You know the answer to that question.

As a final note, most investors should invest money in general diversified stock funds, bond funds and money market funds as well. If you decide to cut your investment in any of your funds you can simply switch money to another fund in the same family or investment company. By investing your money in mutual funds you can keep your investment assets under one roof and have the flexibility to make changes when you see fit.
A retired financial planner, James Leitz has an MBA (finance) and 35 years of investing experience. For 20 years he advised individual investors, working directly with them helping them to reach their financial goals.

Jim is the author of a complete investor guide, Invest Informed, designed for average investors or would-be investors of all levels of financial background and experience. To learn more about investments and investing and his new financial guide go to http://www.investinformed.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Leitz